Wednesday, November 3, 2010

More Drawings

Hi, this is Obed.I have more drawings! Like I said, I drew them with a pencil, then darkened them with a pen.Sorry I didn't think ahead (again) and got little pieces of other drawings in the pictures. I really need to get the scanner up so I can just scan the pictures. Than they wont look uneven and stuff.

In case you didn't notice, this random guy with glasses is no random guy at all, but my favorite character to draw. His name's Bob. He's the hero in my comics, and like me, his signature is a thumbs up also. Oh yeah that's his sidekick cat, Mr. Squat.

He's using the Pencil of Light to ward of an evil creepy guy. I really want to show you people my comics, so if I figure out a way I will share them with you. Oh and by the way, My novel, and Brian's, is coming out awesome. We will have finished the outline-skeleton stuff in a few weeks, and then its time for some actual writing action! I hope my enthusiasm lasts though. I've heard it can be really hard to write a book.


Brenda @ Tie That Binds Us said...

I'm so proud of you and Brian for continuing the hard work of writing a novel. I can't wait to read the finished books!

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