Saturday, October 2, 2010


hey peoples! it's Brian; this will be my first piece of art: "we the people of?

Well this week in history I'm learning about the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The first line of the Declaration is, "We the people..." I started thinking, "who are we the people of?" To the world, you're your own person; it's all about you. Well, when you're a Christian, sometimes you think to yourself, "well, I'll just take the middle path." In the youth group at my church we talked about this "middle path". In life there is no middle path- you either choose to be the people of the world, or we can be the people of God. I'll bet you're saying "so I can't go hang out with my friends who aren't Christians?" Well Jesus didn't always hang out at the synagogue never going any where did He? No. I mean even one of his friends (Matthew, his disciple) was a tax collector. And if you didn't know, tax collectors would usually steal some of the money he earned. So the answer to your question is, "No. Go hang out with your friends- just do it the way jesus would."

so, here's the question who are you of?



Brenda @ Tie That Binds Us said...

I really like this picture, Brian. And the commentary about "who are we the people of?" is very thought-provoking! Keep up the great art of photography and art of thinking.

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